
Canadian Press on the Canadian Copyfight

The Canadian Press covers the online fight for fair copyright and against Bill C-61.


  1. Finally something in French
    Short versions of these articles from Canadian Press appear in Metro Montreal and 24 heures Montreal, in French.

  2. Here is one more in French: [ link ]

  3. Two more in French
    Two more in French:

    [ link ]

    [ link ]

    please repost them to Facebook and elsewhere.

  4. Inaccurate Reporting
    This should be front page news. As far as the CTV report, there are some inaccuracies. Bill C-61 is not a carbon copy of the U.S. DMCA, it’s worse. The download fines are per infringement, $500 for each content holder, i.e. 3 credits = $1500 x number of songs.

    While it’s good to have mainstream media coverage. I wish some reporters would do their homework.