
C-SPAN Says It Won’t Sue Conservatives Over Ignatieff Footage

The Ottawa Citizen reports that the U.S. public affairs network C-SPAN has said that it will not sue the Conservatives over the use of its footage in the recent ads targeting Michael Ignatieff.


  1. And if they were sued, I presume that you would defend the Conservatives in this case

  2. Not a Leader’s Image for Copyright
    Just like the Dion Shrug image was lifted from Parliament – anything for an attack ad!

  3. Great example for the country!
    So the laws on copyright only apply to the citizens. Quite sad when I admire my legal threat from Videotron…

  4. They shouldn’t have done it, however…
    The article indicates the General Council of C-SPAN as believing it falls under the “fair-use” provisions in the copyright law. However, they should have gotten permission in the first place.

  5. You hit the nail on the head, Frank
    No matter weather it be civil or criminal law, it only applies to civilian citizens. Not any politician’s, corporations, etc.

    (It should be noted that our point of view is heavily censored by CBC and CTV on their boards)