
Celebrate Canada Day with Beers for Canada

As Canadians from coast to coast celebrate Canada Day, the people behind have developed a novel way to celebrate.  Visible Government is a Canadian non-profit that promotes online tools for government transparency. It encourages government leaders and organizations to share their information openly, and work with developers to build tools and websites that make government information more accessible to average citizens.  There is tremendous value in open government data and greater transparency (my recent CAIRS.Info site is designed to address the issue of transparenc in the access to information system) and this group is pushing things forward in Canada.  As part of the Canada Day celebration, they've launched Beers For Canada, which encourages Canadians to support transparency by "buying your country a beer".  The money raised will support the group's various transparency projects.


  1. Concerned Canadian
    I just wanted to point out that Canada boarders three oceans and not just two. Instead of saying “Canadians from coast to coast” it should be “Canadians from coast to coast to coast”. Happy Canada Day!