At CIFAR’s Virtual Talk, I talked with Carly Kind and Rebecca Finlay to talk about contact tracing apps and broader questions about governance and AI.
Australian Digital Alliance: Copyright 20/20 – Dr Michael Geist
At this talk, I reviewed the copyright law reforms in Canada where exceptions to copyright infringement were recognized, and what impact this had on the use of copyright materials in Canada today. Looking at the outcome, I outline some of the lessons that can be learned.
CTV News: Canada and US moving apart on net neutrality
On December 14, 2017, I briefly discussed the impact that the Unites States repealing their net neutrality rules which govern Internet Service Providers could have on Canadian businesses.
NAFTA and the Digital Environment: My CIGI Global Forum Lecture
Last week I delivered the CIGI Global Forum lecture in Ottawa on NAFTA and the Digital Environment. The lecture draws on some of my work for CIGI (NAFTA, Innovation) and makes the case that NAFTA negotiations are a problematic place for digital copyright reform, noting the lack of transparency, lost flexibility, and inability to strike a critical policy balance. Given that the issues are seemingly unavoidable in NAFTA, the lecture then highlights the preferred approach (relying on international treaty standards) and identifies many of the most important issues up for discussion including copyright term, fair dealing, intermediary liability and digital issues such as net neutrality and data localization. A video of the talk is embedded below.
Why Abandoning Net Neutrality in the U.S. Matters in Canada
Earlier this week I appeared on CBC’s On the Money to discuss the U.S. decision to abandon net neutrality and its implications for Canada. I’ve written about these issues in columns and posts, but this interview provided the opportunity to highlight the implications for Canadian business and consumers, the prospect of including net neutrality in future Telecommunications Act reforms, the connection to NAFTA, and the ongoing concerns with telecom competitiveness in Canada. The interview is embedded below.