Professor Geist's weekly Toronto Star Law Bytes column features part two (Toronto Star version, HTML backup article, homepage version) of the examination of the financial impact of peer-to-peer music downloading on the Canadian music industry. Following part one, which demonstrated that recording industry loss claims are greatly exaggerated and that […]
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Piercing the Peer-to-Peer Myths (Part One)
Professor Geist's regular Toronto Star Law Bytes column (Toronto Star version, HTML backup article, homepage version) is the first of a two-part look at the impact of peer-to-peer file sharing on the music industry. The column provides a detailed examination of the Canadian Recording Industry Association's own numbers, concluding that […]
Music Industry and Kazaa Face Off in Australian Court
The Australian Music Industry and Sharman Networks, the owner of Kazaa, face off in court next week. Professor Geist comments on some of the copyright issues to be addressed.
Canadian Musicians Lobby for Copyright Reform
Several of Canada's best known musicians went to Parliament today to lobby for reform to the Copyright Act. While CRIA argued that the current statute hurts their industry, the economy, and artists, Professor Geist comments that the proposed reforms will directly affect millions of Canadians who may have no interest […]
Federal Court of Appeal Issues Englander Decision
The Federal Court of Appeal has issued its decision in the Englander case. The case involves the first PIPEDA complaint, which focused on the $2 charge for an unlisted phone number. The court overturned a lower court decision, ruling that the consent obtained by Telus was insufficient for several uses. […]