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MP Charlie Angus motivates Guelph through song. by Guelph NDP (CC BY 2.0)

The Law Bytes Podcast, Episode 105: NDP MP Charlie Angus on Canada’s Failed Digital Policy and His Hopes for the Next Parliamentary Session

NDP MP Charlie Angus has been a consistent – and persistent – voice on digital policies since his election to the House of Commons in 2004. He was one of the first MPs to seriously consider user rights within Canadian copyright law, a vocal supporter of net neutrality and more affordable wireless services, and a leading advocate for privacy protection and social media regulation.

Last week, Angus called a press conference to unveil his six point plan for digital policy, which emphasized accountability, privacy reform, and algorithmic transparency. Along the way, he derided the government’s Bill C-10 efforts as a political dumpster fire and voiced support for the creation of a new officer of parliament charged with responsibility for social media regulation. Charlie Angus joins the Law Bytes podcast this week to reflect on the failed bill C-10 and C-11, his concerns with the online harms consultation, and his hopes for the coming parliamentary session.

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October 25, 2021 17 comments Podcasts
2011 "facebook design" by Sean MacEntee. (CC By 2.0).

Rabble Radio: What to do about Facebook? Dr. Michael Geist, Canada Research Chair in Internet and E-Commerce Law, talks to Stephen Wentzell

I appeared on the Rabble Radio podcast on October 22, 2021.

In the episode, we discussed the call to regulate social media giants such as Facebook in Canada.

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October 22, 2021 Comments are Disabled ExtPodcasts
Facebook app by Eduardo Woo (CC BY-SA 2.0)

The Law Bytes Podcast, Episode 104: Taylor Owen on What the Latest Facebook Revelations Mean for Canada’s Online Harms Legislative Plans

Facebook has once again found itself in the political spotlight as Frances Haugen, a former data scientist and product manager with the company turned whistleblower, provided the source documents for an explosive investigative series in the Wall Street Journal followed by an appearance before a U.S. Senate committee. The Facebook Files series comes just as Canada is moving toward its own legislative response to Internet concerns, with an online harms consultation  that provides a roadmap for future policies.

The Canadian initiative has sparked widespread criticism, but recent events may only increase the calls for legislative action. Taylor Owen, the Beaverbrook Chair in Media, Ethics and Communications in the Max Bell School of Public Policy at McGill University joins the Law Bytes podcast to discuss the latest revelations and what they might mean for the future of Canadian Internet regulation.

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October 18, 2021 4 comments Podcasts
2021 "TikTok" by The Focal Project. (CC BY-NC 2.0).

The Roy Green Show: FedGov ‘Online Harms Legislation’ challenged by experts. Prof Michael Geist

I appeared on The Roy Green Show on October 9, 2021.

In the episode, we discussed Bill C-10, the broadcast reform package, and its potential implications on the freedom of expression.

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October 9, 2021 Comments are Disabled ExtPodcasts
Privacy? by KylaBorg (CC BY 2.0)

The Law Bytes Podcast, Episode 103: Privacy Reform Comes to Canada – Chantal Bernier on the Passage of Quebec’s Bill 64

Privacy reform in Canada has lagged at the federal level with the efforts to update PIPEDA seemingly going nowhere, but multiple provinces have moved ahead with amending their own laws. Quebec leads the way as late last month it quietly passed Bill 64, a major privacy reform package that reflects – and even goes beyond – many emerging international privacy law standards. Chantal Bernier, the former interim privacy commissioner of Canada, now leads the Dentons law firm’s Canadian Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group. She joins the Law Bytes podcast to talk about Bill 64, including its origins, key provisions, and implications for privacy law in Canada.

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October 4, 2021 1 comment Podcasts