Canadian artists have enjoyed unprecedented international critical and commercial success in recent years. From Avril Lavigne to Yann Martel to Denys Arcand, Canadians have won Grammys, Bookers, and Oscars and have demonstrated that our best belong on the world stage. Notwithstanding these headline-grabbing success stories, wider success for the […]
Post Tagged with: "Copyright Columns"
Will copyright treaty benefit Canadians?
As the Internet began to emerge as a powerful new communication tool in the mid-1990s, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), a United Nations agency, moved quickly to establish two new treaties designed to address the copyright complications created by the online world. The WIPO Copyright Treaty and the […]
Why we must stand on guard over copyright
As a trading nation, Canadians have considerable experience with negotiating trade agreements. From the Auto Pact in the 1960s, to the U.S.—Canada Free Trade Agreement in the 1980s, we have relied on trade deals to facilitate economic growth and to encourage exports of everything from cars to forestry. In […]