Conservative MP Dean Del Mastro has raised the prospect of government regulation of online anonymity, arguing that Parliament should address the issue of forcing people to identify themselves before posting comments online.
Post Tagged with: "del mastro"
Del Mastro on Format Shifting
Conservative MP Dean Del Mastro offers up one of the oddest copyright analogies during the C-11 debate, likening format shifting to socks and shoes.
Del Mastro Says Bill C-32 Coming Back Intact
Consistent with the Conservative campaign platform, MP Dean Del Mastro tells the Toronto Sun that Bill C-32 will be reintroduced largely intact.
A Copyright Bill Loved (or At Least Accepted) By All
In addition to my Hill Times op-ed this week on the transformation of Canadian Heritage Minister James Moore from iPod minister to iPadlock minister, the paper includes a second article with some predictions for copyright reform. The opening of the article includes a quote from Canadian Heritage Parliamentary Secretary Dean Del Mastro on the reform process:
"It would be naïve of me to say that we could introduce a bill on copyright that would be loved on all sides."
Del Mastro's comment is consistent with the conventional wisdom on copyright reform, namely that it is a contentious issue pitting users against creators that is difficult to reconcile. Yet the conventional wisdom here may be wrong. It is true that a copyright bill is unlikely to be loved by all sides. In fact, a bill loved by any side is probably a bill that does not strike the right balance (that is one of the reasons Moore's shift to strong support for C-61 digital lock rules is so problematic – one group loves it, some tolerate it, many hate it). Far better, is a bill that is acceptable to all sides. That means there will be compromises for all with the goal of crafting a bill that meets the most stakeholder needs and maintains the copyright balance.
Is that possible? I think so. The key elements in such a bill would include:
Knopf On Peterborough Copyright Roundtable
Howard Knopf blogs on yesterday's final copyright roundtable, held in Peterborough. There was some local media coverage, in which Canadian Heritage Parliamentary Secretary Dean Del Mastro questioned the closed door approach to the consultations.