posts a letter from Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff on Bill C-32. It includes: we believe that Canadian consumers who have legitimately purchased a CD or a DVD or other product should also have the ability to transfer their purchase onto their iPod or make a personal backup copy on […]
Post Tagged with: "ignatieff"
Liberals Promise Broadband For All
The Liberals have promised broadband for all Canadian communities by 2013 with speeds of at least 1.5 megabits. Industry Minister Tony Clement says the government's plan will be unveiled shortly.
Ignatieff: Canadian Copyright Laws Won’t be Dictated By the U.S.
Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff is on a campus tour this week and sources report that he is being asked about Canadian copyright policy at every stop. He responds that Canadian copyright policy must not be dictated by Washington. He says that Canada needs its own policies and is encouraging students […]
Ignatieff Joins Writers Union, Called Major Coup on Copyright
The Globe reports that Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff has joined the Writers Union, which the paper says is a major coup on the copyright reform file. Ignatieff characterizes copyright as “huge, complicated and highly technical” issue.