Today's proposed reform comes directly from a reader of the blog who writes: While I was reading your latest entry in "61 Reforms to C-61," I realized that the "one copy per device" limitation on "format shifting" as described in Section 29.22(1)(d)(i) makes a common practice of mine illegal – […]
Post Tagged with: "music shifting"
61 Reforms to C-61, Day 11: Music Shifting Provision Non-Compatible With Online Music Lockers
In recent months there has been growing emphasis on the potential of online music lockers that allow users to access their music from anywhere. Services include MP3Tunes, Musana, and While most of these services rely on the fair use provision in the United States (though Musana is based in […]
61 Reforms to C-61, Day 10: Music Shifting Provision May Conflict With Computer Backup Systems
The music shifting provision is careful to limit the number of copies that may be shifted to one per device. In particular, the provision (Section 29.22 (1)(c)) states that an individual may reproduce "the sound recording no more than once for each device that the individual owns, whether the reproduction […]