Appearance before the Standing Committee on Ethics, Accountability & Privacy
December 9, 2010
Appearance before the Standing Committee on Ethics, Accountability & Privacy
December 9, 2010
The NY Times runs an interview with U.S. Chief Technology Officer Vivek Kunra, who notes that the open government effort to make data sets publicly available has grown from 47 data sets in May 2009 to 274,000 today.
Last week’s focus on open access, including the Liberal commitment to open government, brings to mind key issues involving access to public sector information. My colleague Elizabeth Judge tackles the issue in her chapter in From “Radical Extremism” to “Balanced Copyright”: Canadian Copyright and the Digital Agenda. Judge provides a […]
The open government/open data commitment is particularly noteworthy since it will apparently include a direction to all federal departments and agencies to adopt an open government principle where the default position is to provide information to the public. The plans for access to information would also be enormously helpful, including restoring the CAIRS database and following the recent UK lead by making all documents released under ATI available online.
The NY Times has an interesting article on the power of open data, noting progress on Alzheimer’s that is a function of scientists worldwide openly sharing data.