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New Business Opportunities in a DRM-Free World

Coolfer and Jon Healey both point to a new marketing campaign involving Burger King and EMI that involves giving away DRM-free downloads.  The campaign is notable because the parties acknowledge that such offers only make sense once DRM is removed from the picture.

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July 25, 2007 Comments are Disabled News

IOC to Drop Athlete Blogging Ban

Earlier this month, I wrote about sports and the Internet, pointing to restrictions by the International Olympic Committee that blocked athletes from blogging under threat of disqualification.  Peter Black provides word that that the IOC appears ready to change its policy and will now allow athletes to blog at the […]

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July 25, 2007 3 comments News

Montreal Gazette Calls for Spectrum Set-Aside

The Montreal Gazette, which is running a version of my mobile data column as an op-ed, features a lengthy editorial slamming the Canadian wireless market and calling on Industry Minister Maxime Bernier to support greater competition through a spectrum set-aside.

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July 25, 2007 Comments are Disabled News

The Canadian Telecom Complaints Commission

The major Canadian telecommunications companies announced yesterday that they have created a new Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services.  They indicated that the interim Commissioner – David McKendry – was now ready to take complaints and that the new commission would seek approval from the CRTC and complete its organizational […]

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July 24, 2007 6 comments News

UK Government Rejects Music Copyright Term Extension

Reuters is reporting that the UK government has rejected pressure from the music industry to extend the term of copyright associated with sound recordings. 

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July 24, 2007 2 comments News