With the dust starting to settle from the introduction of Bill C-60, many of the industry groups have released their official positions.
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The Perfect Photo-Op
Canadian media coverage of the introduction of Bill C-60 is relatively light this morning, likely reflecting the late afternoon introduction of the bill and the difficulty of obtaining something other than the government's press release on the matter.
Bill C-60 User Guide: The ISPs and Search Engines
Bill C-60 makes for a challenging read since it adds, replaces, or amends existing Copyright Act provisions. There will no doubt be much discussion and debate around the bill in the coming months, but I thought it might be useful to provide a short users guide on the key provisions categorized by issue.
Bill C-60 User Guide: Peer-to-Peer File Sharing
I was not planning to deal specifically with file sharing since there is no "file sharing" provision in the bill. Since the issue continues to dominate discussion, however, (in no small part because the government itself has emphasized the issue) it may be useful to highlight the provisions that appear relevant to the question of file sharing.
Reconciling Cancon Requirements in the Age of the Internet
My regular Law Bytes column (homepage version, Toronto Star version) provides some further commentary on last week's CRTC pay radio decision. I argue that the Commission made the best of a bad hand and delivered a policy approach that prioritizes Canadian artists by adapting Canadian content requirements to emerging new technologies.