Mark Evans of the National Post reports this morning (subscription required) that Primus says that its VoIP offering has been subject to spotty service from Shaw, a leading cable provider in B.C. and Alberta.
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File Sharing Decision States the Case For Privacy
My regular Law Bytes column (free hyperlinked version, Toronto Star version homepage version) is the first of a two-part look at the recent Federal Court of Appeal decision involving CRIA's attempt to identify 29 alleged file sharers.
What Part of Do-Not-Call Does the Government Not Understand?
So begins Tyler Hamilton’s devastating article in the Toronto Star on the current state of Canadian do-not-call legislation. Hamilton paints a bleak picture of legislation designed to protect consumers that is being slowly eviscerated by lobbying pressure from charitable groups and the Canadian Marketing Association.
We’re Number…Five?
The OECD has released global broadband usage rates as of December 2004. This statistic was a matter of pride in Canada for the past several years. While South Korea holds a large lead over the rest of the world, Canadian officials wanted to ensure that everyone knew that Canada was number two.
Canada’s Upcoming Copyright Clash
The Literary Review of Canada's June issue is about to hit the newsstands and it includes The Upcoming Copyright Clash, an essay I wrote on copyright reform in Canada.