An Ontario court has issued a new decision interpreting Canada’s federal privacy law in the context of videosurveillance. The court ruled that exceptions found in the Act that apply to law of Canada includes the common law, though it noted that the wording in PIPEDA "leaves a lot to be […]
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Why WSIS Is About More Than Just Domain Names
Professor Geist’s regular Toronto Star Law Bytes column (Toronto Star version, HTML backup article, homepage version) examines recent developments involving the World Summit on the Information Society. The column argues that while the domain name systems captures most the attention, the tension between the developed and developing world at WSIS […]
Coverage of Anti-Spam Task Force Announcement
The Canadian media, including the Toronto Star and Globe and Mail, provides comprehensive coverage of the formation of a new anti-spam task force, quoting Professor Geist on the need to use the task force as a catalyst for greater enforcement initiatives. see: Task Force Aims To Can Spam also see: […]
Untouchable? A Plan for Battling Spam in Canada
My regular Toronto Star Law Bytes column (Toronto Star version, HTML backup article, homepage version) highlights my new study on the state of anti-spam legislative measures in Canada. Despite absence of specific anti-spam legislation, the paper argues that when viewed in combination, the current Canadian legal options allow for enforcement […]
More on Spam in Canada
Decima Publishing’s Network Letter provides great coverage of Professor Geist’s recent spam speech at the Law Society’s Communication Law conference. The two-page article highlights the key points in the speech including the need for better enforcement of existing Canadian law. see: Workplace Privacy Gets Day in Court also see: BC […]