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WSIS Nears With Internet Governance Taking Centre Stage

With the World Summit on the Information Society scheduled to start next week, Professor Geist provides commentary on a key stumbling block — Internet governance. Comments for Reuters and South Africa’s IT Web, both focus on the role of governments at the national level and their growing interest in the […]

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December 5, 2003 1 comment News

Further Internet Governance Study Coverage

Reuters has provided further coverage of Professor Geist’s study on national governments and Internet governance. The story notes the growing trend toward government involvement in their national domains. see: Governments Already Regulate Web also see: Governments and ccTLDs: A Global Survey

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December 3, 2003 Comments are Disabled News

Coverage of Internet Governance Study

The release of Professor Geist’s study on global Internet governance has attracted some media attention. Warren’s Washington Internet Daily provides detailed coverage of the study’s findings, while the National Journal’s Technology Daily also covers the story. see: Think Web’s Virtually Government Free? Think Again also see: Governments and ccTLDs: A […]

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December 2, 2003 Comments are Disabled News

Rethinking Government and Internet Governance

Professor Geist’s regular Toronto Star Law Bytes column (Toronto Star version, HTML backup article, homepage version) features coverage of the results of a global study jointly conducted by the ITU and myself on the role of national governments and their national domains. The study, which covered 56 countries from every […]

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December 1, 2003 Comments are Disabled Columns

Survey Measures Impact of the Internet

Professor Geist is quoted in a Lawyers Weekly article focusing on a recent Lexis-Nexis/IBA survey on the impact of the Internet on business operations. Professor Geist notes the uncertainty surrounding cross-border privacy issues. see: Press release also see: Canadian Privacy Law Review Information

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November 19, 2003 Comments are Disabled News