Professor Geist’s regular Toronto Star Law Bytes column (Toronto Star version, HTML backup article, homepage version) takes on the recent rise of criticism of PIPEDA Canada’s federal privacy legislation, which has been recently labelled a multi-dimensional mess by critics. The column argues that replacing the single federal standard with potentially […]
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Manufacturers and Retailers Challenge MP3 Levy
Professor Geist comments on the federal court appeals by both leading retailers and computer manufacturers against the Copyright Board's December 2003 private copying decision. The manufacturers challenge the levy against MP3 players, while the retailes want the entire scheme declared unlawful. see: Music Groups Appeal Copyright Ruling also see: CENTR […]
Responding to CENTR’s Comments on Net Governance Study
CENTR has posted a response to my recent study on the relationship between national governments and country-code domain names. While I think it is terrific that CENTR is encouraging debate on the issue, I have several comments in reply that focus on a misunderstanding on the relationship between myself and […]
Looking Ahead to the Year in Technology Law
Professor Geist's Toronto Star Law Bytes column (Toronto Star version, HTML backup article, homepage version) takes a look ahead at 2004 by focusing on three of the hottest issues – privacy, copyright, and Internet marketing. With new legislation in Canada, a potential constitutional challenge, the prospect of file sharing lawsuits, […]
More Coverage on Possible Quebec PIPEDA Challenge
The Canadian media continues its coverage of a possible Quebec constitutional challenge. Professor Geist comments on the implications for the National Post, Ottawa Citizen, and the Globe and Mail. see: Privacy Law Likely to Face Challenge also see: Privacy: 'This is the Big Kahuna'