The House of Commons Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics has issued a report "deploring" the cancellation of the CAIRS database and demanding that the government reinstate it.
Post Tagged with: "access to information"
Copyright and ATIPs
The Tyee runs an interesting article on some of the barriers to using Access to Information legislation, including potential copyright limitations.
The Supreme Court on Privacy
David Fraser points out that the Supreme Court of Canada has just released a decision, H.J. Heinz v. Attorney General (Canada), that includes a significant amount of privacy analysis. The case involves privacy considerations within the context of Access to Information Act requests. The divided court, which interestingly relies on the recent LaForest report on the potential merger of the Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners, says several noteworthy things about privacy and reflects some differences on the court on the merits of judicial intervention on privacy grounds.