The Government of New Zealand has posted a short report on last week's ACTA talks, noting the key issues and committing to future negotiations. As usual, the Canadian government remains silent on ACTA.
Post Tagged with: "anti-counterfeiting trade agreement"
Australian Principles for ACTA
Kim Weatherall notes new principles developed by a cross-section of Australian interests to guide that country's ACTA negotiators.
Government Planning “Insider” ACTA Group
Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the leaders of G8 countries closed their recent summit in Hokkaido, Japan by encouraging "the acceleration of negotiations to establish a new international legal framework, the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), and seek to complete the negotiation by the end of this year." The decision to fast-track the controversial ACTA has led to new momentum for the still-secret treaty as the Australian government recently disclosed that a new round of negotiations will commence this week.
My weekly technology law column (Toronto Star version, homepage version) reveals that alongside the negotiations, officials have been developing plans to establish an "insider" group comprised solely of government departments and industry lobby groups who would be provided with special access to treaty documentation and discussion. According to documents obtained under the Access to Information Act, the government has been crafting an Intellectual Property and Trade Advisory Group. The initial plans for membership in the group were limited exclusively to 12 government departments and 14 industry lobby groups. These include the Canadian Recording Industry Association, the Canadian Motion Picture and Distributors Association, and the Entertainment Software Association of Canada.
Public Left Out Of ACTA Talks
Appeared in the Toronto Star on July 28, 2008 as Public Left Out of Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Talks Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the leaders of G8 countries closed their recent summit in Hokkaido, Japan by encouraging "the acceleration of negotiations to establish a new international legal framework, the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade […]
ACTA Negotiations to Continue Next Week
Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade reports that negotiations on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement will resume next week.