Post Tagged with: "cavoukian"

Ontario Privacy Commish Sides With Opt-Out on Behavioural Online Tracking

The U.S. FTC is in the midst of considering a proposed Do-Not-Track planthat seeks to address mounting concerns about behavioural tracking of online activities for marketing purposes [the practice became apparentin one of my recent classes when we visited an online dating site to discuss the use of Google advertising only to find that dating site advertisements appeared in subsequent, unrelated browsing]. Yesterday, both Google and Mozilla announced that they would install do-not-track features on the Chrome and Firefoxbrowsers.

The Electronic Privacy Information Center, one of the leading privacy groups in the U.S., makes the case for an opt-in approach, noting that it would better protect consumer  privacy and is consistent with many other U.S. privacy statutes. It adds that:

Opt-in is more effective than opt-out because it encourages companies to explain the benefits of information sharing, and to eliminate barriers to exercising choice. Experience with opt-out has shown that companies tend to obfuscate the process of exercising choice, or that exemptions are created to make opt-outimpossible.

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January 25, 2011 5 comments News

Cavoukian Warns of ID Card Threat

The Toronto Sun reports that Ontario Privacy Commissioner has warned about the privacy risks in the planned enhanced provincial drivers' license that will contain RFID technology.

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October 27, 2008 2 comments News

MSFT and the Ontario IPC Office

The Office of the Ontario Privacy Commissioner has long been a world leader in privacy advocacy, displaying a remarkable ability to anticipate the privacy impact of cutting-edge technologies.  Given its track record, the attention being lavished on the release of a new document on identity management is much deserved as it merits wide reading.  The Seven Laws of Identity builds on work being done by Microsoft designed to allow Internet users to better manage their online "identities" by limiting the disclosure of personal information ("data minimization"), using better authentication practices, and building in user consent and controls.  In recent news reports, the Office has touted the virtues of its Seven Laws of Identity approach, with claims that it will help solve Internet ills such as phishing, pharming, and spam.

As I read the coverage and white paper, I am left somewhat uncomfortable.  

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October 19, 2006 4 comments News

Canadian Privacy Community Speaks Out on Copyright Reform

On the heels of the recent emergence of the CMCC, Canada's privacy community is today speaking out on its concerns with the prospect of copyright reform that provides legal protections for digital rights management but fails to account for the impact on personal privacy.  Dozens of groups and individuals, including civil liberties organizations, library and education associations, and prominent privacy leaders such as former Privacy Commissioner Bruce Phillips (I have also lent my name to the letter) have sent a public letter to Ministers Bernier and Oda calling on the government to ensure that privacy factors in the copyright reform process. 

The letter, supported by a background paper on the privacy concerns raised by copyright reform, seeks assurances that:

  1. any proposed copyright reforms will prioritize privacy protection by including a full privacy consultation and a full privacy impact assessment with the introduction of any copyright reform bill;
  2. any proposed anti-circumvention provisions will create no negative privacy impact; and
  3. any proposed copyright reforms will include pro-active privacy protections that, for example, enshrine the rights of Canadians to access and enjoy copyright works anonymously and in private.

Notably, several of Canada's privacy commissioners have lent their support to the open letter. 

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May 17, 2006 2 comments News

Ontario Privacy Commissioner Calls For Privacy Breach Reporting Law

Congratulations to Ontario Privacy Commissioner Ann Cavoukian for being the first Canadian privacy commissioner to speak out for what should be self-evident: Canada needs a law that requires organizations to report privacy or security breaches to their customers.

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June 24, 2005 1 comment News