I'm delighted to announce that I've been named to the Electronic Frontier Foundation Advisory Board. EFF does incredible work and it's great to have the chance to lend a hand.
Post Tagged with: "eff"
EFF and PK Call For Greater ACTA Transparency
The EFF and Public Knowledge have again expressed their concern over the lack of U.S. transparency over ACTA. The USTR released only 36 more pages (here and here), withholding over 1,000 other relevant documents.
The Twelve Days of EFF
The Electronic Frontier Foundation has produced a terrific short video highlighting its critically important work over the past twelve months.
The DMCA Turns Ten
The U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act turns ten today. Postings here and here reflect on the legislation, while the EFF updates its report – Unintended Consequences: Ten Years Under the DMCA.
U.S. Judge Rules Fair Use Should Factor Into Notice and Takedown Demands
Since I've blogged this week about C-61's notice-and-notice approach for ISPs, it is worth noting that yesterday a U.S. judge ruled that copyright holders must consider fair use as part of the DMCA notice-and-takedown system.