The hot video of the week is the remarkable mash-up of the Apple 1984 advertisement, which in its new incarnation stars Hillary Clinton and promotes Barack Obama. The video has been viewed more than two million times and received considerable mainstream media news coverage. An Associated Press story caught my […]
Post Tagged with: "fair dealing"
Conservatives for Fair Use?
The Canadian Press reports that there is speculation that the latest round of Conservative attack ads may violate someone's copyright. The ads, which show brief clips from a Liberal debate last year, apparently were filmed by a consortium of broadcasters who say that they did not provide the Conservatives with […]
30 Days of DRM – Day 22: Libraries (Circumvention Rights)
Early in the series, I discussed the need for DRM-free library deposits as part of the legislated library deposit program that seeks to preserve Canadian heritage. There are additional library issues, however, that merit discussion. Section 30.1 of the Copyright Act grants libraries (as well as archives and museums) special rights to copy works in order to preserve or manage their collections. These are important rights and any anti-circumvention legislation must not be permitted to render them ineffective.
Section 30.1(1) provides that, under certain circumstances:
It is not an infringement of copyright for a library, archive or museum or a person acting under the authority of a library, archive or museum to make, for the maintenance or management of its permanent collection or the permanent collection of another library, archive or museum, a copy of a work or other subject-matter, whether published or unpublished, in its permanent collection
The circumstances that permit such copying include a copy that is:
30 Days of DRM – Day 13: Criticism, Review and News Reporting (Circumvention Rights)
Yesterday's posting covered the research and private study side of fair dealing. The other major component of the fair dealing user right is contained at Sections 29.1 and 29.2 of the Copyright Act, covering criticism, review, and news reporting. Both sections permit fair dealing in a work for those purposes provided that the source is identified. These user rights are equally an integral part of the Copyright Act and should not be unduly constrained.
Indeed, with the emergence of citizen journalism and user generated content, these rights have assumed even greater importance.