Post Tagged with: "Intellectual Property"

U.S. List Unfairly Tarnishes Canada’s Digital Reputation

My weekly technology law column (Toronto Star version, homepage version) focuses on the U.S. decision to elevate Canada to the Priority Watch list.  I note that the elevation will undoubtedly heighten pressure for reforms, it also points to the need for the Canadian government to reassess how it manages the Special 301 process and its bilateral relationship with the U.S. on this issue. In previous years, Canadian officials have done little more than express disappointment with the U.S. findings.  According to documents obtained under the Access to Information Act, the Minister of Foreign Affairs has been repeatedly advised that "Canada does not recognize the Special 301 process due to its lacking of reliable and objective analysis, and we have raised this issue regularly with the U.S. in our bilateral discussions."

Raising the issue in bilateral discussions may have worked in the past, but this year's report sends a clear signal that more is needed.  This year's designation is so unsupportable that Industry Minister Tony Clement and Canadian Heritage Minister James Moore should not hesitate to challenge both the process and the substance of the findings.  

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May 4, 2009 4 comments Columns

U.S. List Unfairly Tarnishes Canada’s Digital Reputation

My weekly technology law column (Toronto Star version, homepage version) focuses on the U.S. decision to elevate Canada to the Priority Watch list.  I note that the elevation will undoubtedly heighten pressure for reforms, it also points to the need for the Canadian government to reassess how it manages the Special 301 process and its bilateral relationship with the U.S. on this issue. In previous years, Canadian officials have done little more than express disappointment with the U.S. findings.  According to documents obtained under the Access to Information Act, the Minister of Foreign Affairs has been repeatedly advised that "Canada does not recognize the Special 301 process due to its lacking of reliable and objective analysis, and we have raised this issue regularly with the U.S. in our bilateral discussions."

Raising the issue in bilateral discussions may have worked in the past, but this year's report sends a clear signal that more is needed.  This year's designation is so unsupportable that Industry Minister Tony Clement and Canadian Heritage Minister James Moore should not hesitate to challenge both the process and the substance of the findings.  

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May 4, 2009 Comments are Disabled Stop CDMCA

U.S. List Unfairly Tarnishes Canada’s Digital Reputation

Appeared in the Toronto Star on May 4, 2009 as U.S. List Tarnishes Canada's Digital Reputation Each April, the U.S. releases the Special 301 Report, which examines the intellectual property laws of its main trading partners.  For the past fourteen years, Canada has been included on the list of countries […]

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May 4, 2009 Comments are Disabled Columns Archive

Could Placing Canada on the Priority Watch List Backfire?

Reaction to the inclusion of Canada on the Priority Watch List comes from an unlikely source – National Post political columnist Don Martin.  Martin writes about how President Obama is proving to be a dangerous man for Canada, using the Special 301 report as Exhibit One.  Martin writes: The latest […]

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May 1, 2009 14 comments News

The Absurdity of the USTR’s Blame Canada Approach

The IIPA, the lead U.S. lobbyist on international IP matters, has issued a press release on the USTR Special 301 report, welcoming the inclusion of Canada on the Priority Watch List.  Yet the release inadvertently demonstrates why the designation is so absurd.  Included at the end are the estimated software piracy percentages for each country on the list.  While the BSA claims are themselves subject to challenge, compare Canada to the remainder of the list.  Canada comes in at 32%.  The remaining countries (no rates are listed for Algeria, Israel, or Venezuela):

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April 30, 2009 16 comments News