In recent years the intersection between law, technology, and policy has exploded as digital policy has become a mainstream concern in Canada and around the world. I am very excited to announce the launch of LawBytes: A Podcast with Michael Geist. This podcast will explore digital policies in conversations with people studying the legal and policy challenges, setting the rules, or who are experts in the field. It will provide a Canadian perspective, but since the internet is global, examining international developments and Canada’s role in shaping global digital policy is be an important part of the story.
Post Tagged with: "Internet Law"
Website Blocked From Repackaging MLS Data
The Globe reports on an Ontario court decision blocking an attempt to create a new website by repackaging MLS data.
B.C. Court of Appeal Rules No Liability For Linking
The B.C. Court of Appeal has issued an important new ruling on the prospect of liability for linking to allegedly defamatory content. Crookes v. Newton involved Wayne Crookes, who has filed several Internet defamation suits (including one against me) and Jon Newton, publisher of A divided court upheld a […]
The Letters of the Law: The Year in Canadian Technology Law and Policy
There was rarely a dull moment over the past twelve months in law and technology with no shortage of legislative proposals, controversial court cases, and very public battles over the future of the Internet in Canada. My final technology law column (Toronto Star version, homepage version) takes a look back […]
Leave My Internet Alone
Larry Borsato with a good post on the cancon for the Internet issue. Casey McKinnon provides a much-needed creator perspective.