Post Tagged with: "oda"

Oda Funding Controversy May Derail Broadcast and Copyright Policy

My weekly Law Bytes column (Toronto Star version, homepage version) takes stock of the brewing controversy over Canadian Heritage Minister Bev Oda's fundraising activities. With the Hill Times running a lead story on her 2005 fundraiser and persistent questions in the House of Commons, it is becoming apparent that this issue is quickly becoming a liability for the Conservative government.  While last week's discussion focused on the now-cancelled Oda fundraiser sponsored by a CanWest lobbyist and a 2005 Corus-hosted fundraiser, further investigation into Oda's past campaign financing demonstrates that the close ties between Oda and industry lobbyists may run deeper than even Angus realized.   

According to Elections Canada data, Oda held a similar fundraiser in May 2004 – before she was even elected to the House of Commons – that attracted enormous corporate support from the broadcast industry including Alliance Atlantis, Astral, CanWest, and CHUM, as well as from more than a dozen senior executives from major broadcast and cable companies.

Once elected, the support continued.  

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November 13, 2006 5 comments Columns

The Daily Oda Question

Canadian Heritage Minister Bev Oda was questioned yet again today on her past fundraising practices.  NDP Heritage critic Charlie Angus asks: Mr. Speaker, the heritage minister's predilection for hitting up for cash the key industries she is charged with overseeing is not a new phenomenon. I would like to bring […]

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November 10, 2006 2 comments News

Pressure From Oda Fundraiser Grows

Canadian Heritage Minister Bev Oda may have cancelled her planned broadcaster fundraiser in light of negative media attention, but the issue contains to attract attention in the House of Commons.  NDP Canadian Heritage critic Charlie Angus had the following to say on the matter yesterday:

Mr. Speaker, earlier this week the heritage minister was caught passing the hat with industry insiders and lobbyists. As soon as we shone the light on it, they scrambled to cancel the event so we would not find out who was at the trough.

When I asked the government for accountability, the President of the Treasury Board stood up and asked for the NDP's help in order to get rid of the influence of big money in politics. I think the implication of his plea is clear. We are going to need an all party strategy to keep the heritage minister on the straight and narrow.

I have done what I could to have a three point plan to maintain the ethical sobriety of the heritage minister: first, reveal the list of those she is putting the tap for money on so we know which lobbyists are rewriting government policy on copyright and deregulation; second, institute a remedial plan so she can learn how to listen to the groups and artists that she is supposed to be representing; and third, ask the House of Commons carpentry staff to head over to the heritage minister's office and paint over the big for sale sign on her door.

As I noted earlier, the list of Bev's backers is a who's who of copyright and broadcast lobbyists. 

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November 10, 2006 1 comment News

Oda Cancels Lobby-Backed Fundraiser

Hours after questions were raised in the House of Commons, Canadian Heritage Minister Bev Oda cancelled a planned fundraiser on her behalf backed by the broadcasting industry.  Yesterday, NDP Heritage critic Charlie Angus called attention to the fundraiser, noting that it promised to provide access to both Oda and guest […]

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November 8, 2006 1 comment News

Oda on Copyright Bill Timing

Canadian Heritage Minister Bev Oda appeared before the Canadian Heritage Standing Committee last week and was asked directly about the timing of a new copyright bill.  The exchange: Belanger (Lib.) – Madame Minister, is it still your intention to introduce legislation on copyrights this fall, or are we now looking […]

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October 28, 2006 Comments are Disabled News