Post Tagged with: "transparency"

The ACTA Document and Obama Transparency

There are many reports about the release this week of an ACTA summary document that was first made available on the USTR website.  These articles suggest that this reflects new support for transparency from the Obama administration.  While it may be true that the administration supports greater transparency, making that […]

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April 9, 2009 Comments are Disabled News

City of Toronto To Launch Transparency in Government Website

The CBC reports that City of Toronto Mayor David Miller announced at this week's Mesh Conference that the city plans to launch a transparency website that aggregates public records.

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April 9, 2009 1 comment News

I Believe in Open is a terrific new initiative that encourages voters and politicians to commit to five improvements in government transparency.

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September 24, 2008 1 comment News

CRTC Raises Prospect of Major Net Neutrality Consultation

One year ago, the telecommunications companies were seeking to downplay the importance of net neutrality.  It would appear that the CRTC is not buying that anymore.  In a speech to the 2008 Canadian Telecom Summit, CRTC Chair Konrad von Finckenstein had the following to say about the issue:

Another issue of increasing importance is net neutrality.

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June 17, 2008 10 comments News

Canadians Deserve Better ISP Transparency

My weekly law and technology column (Toronto Star version, Ottawa Citizen version, homepage version) picks up on last week's Leger Marketing survey that found that Canadians are generally unaware of net neutrality issues, yet, when informed of the concern, strongly support the principles that provide the foundation for net neutrality legislation.

Most Canadians can hardly be faulted for being unaware of net neutrality since ISPs have done their best to keep the issue off the public's radar screen.  While solving the net neutrality issue will not happen overnight, addressing the lack of transparency associated with Internet services would go a long way toward creating a more informed debate.

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October 9, 2007 5 comments Columns