It appears that the lawful access bill is about make its return – a Bill entitled “An Act regulating telecommunications facilities to support investigations” has been placed on the notice paper for introduction tomorrow or Friday.
Post Tagged with: "van loan"
Lawful Access Back on the Legislative Agenda
Lawful access is back. Two developments this month suggest that there may bi-partisan support for the always controversial attempt to establish new Internet surveillance powers for law enforcement. First, the Globe and Mail reports today that new Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan has indicated that lawful access legislation is […]
Van Loan Seeking to Centralize Conservative Copyright Message
Sources indicate that staff from Conservative Government House Leader Peter Van Loan spent the morning calling MPs to ensure that they forward correspondence from constituents on copyright to Industry Minister Jim Prentice's office. MPs were advised that the call was designed to ensure that Canadians receive the Conservative media lines […]
Liberals Argue Prentice Should Step Aside on Copyright
The Liberals argued during Question Period today that Industry Minister Jim Prentice should step aside on the copyright file in light of Conservative Party infringement issue. House Leader Peter Van Loan responded that the issue has been settled.