The Telus website blockage story may have come to a close last week with the removal of the block, but its ramifications are likely to felt for a long time to come. The NY Times covers the story today and my weekly column (freely available hyperlinked version, Toronto Star version) […]
Telecom by yum9me (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Telus Breaks Net Providers Cardinal Rule
Appeared in the Toronto Star on August 1, 2005 as Telus Breaks ISPs’ Cardinal Rule Appeared in the Ottawa Citizen on August 4, 2005 as Telus Breaks Net Providers’ Cardinal Rule Internet service providers always seem to get the first call when a problem arises on the Internet. Lawmakers want […]
Telus Obtains Court Order Against Site
Telus has obtained a court order establishing a number of prohibitions against the Voices for Change website, the site it started blocking nearly a week ago. The order prohibits "the Telecommunications Workers Union(TWU) and its members and anyone else having knowledge of the order from posting for public viewing on […]
The Telus Blockade and the Law
Much like the recent Harry Potter injunction, the story of Telus blocking access to a website gets worse the more you think about it. As I noted when the story first broke on Sunday, blocking a million Internet users from a website is not only ineffective, it is dangerous as […]
Telus Blocks Subscriber Access to Union Website
Reports today indicate that Telus is currently blocking access to Voices for Change, a website run by the Telecommunications Workers Union. The company has confirmed that its nearly one million subscribers are blocked from accessing the site, though it is obviously available to just about everyone else (and presumably to […]