University of Toronto, TIP Conference link
Archive for February, 2005
Keynote Address — Canada’s Choice: Copyright, Culture and the Internet
University of Toronto, Sound Bytes, Sound Rights Conferencelink
Copyright and the Internet: Is There a Canadian Way?
Professor Geist spoke this week at the University of Toronto's launch of a new Open Access/Open Source project. His talk traced the history of Canadian copyright law reform and highlights the dangers in the current set of government proposals. He calls attention to the potential for positive reform that would […]
The Battle over Canadian Internet Pharmacies
Professor Geist’s weekly Toronto Star Law Bytes column (Toronto Star version, HTML backup article, homepage version) assesses the current battle over Internet pharmacies. The column argues that the Canadian and U.S. governments, supported by PhARMA, have relied on a series of demonstrably false premises to stir fear among the Canadian […]
No good reason to bow to U.S. pharma’s lobbying
During the Internet boom of the 1990s, analysts frequently extolled the virtues of e-commerce, envisioning a world in which clicks would replace bricks. While the dot-com bust put a damper on many of those dreams, in reality e-commerce has revolutionized many business sectors including book sales, music distribution and […]