Yesterday I noted that the Supreme Court of Canada will release its decision on whether it will hear the private copying appeal on Thursday. Today comes news that on Friday the SCC will issue its decision in R. v. Hamilton. The case involves the counselling of crime provision in the […]
Archive for July, 2005
LaForest Appointed To Review Info and Privacy Offices
Former Supreme Court justice Gerard Vincent LaForest was appointed today to study the prospect of combining the Information Commissioner and the Privacy Commissioner into a single office. Although that approach is used in many provinces, given the frustration experienced by the Information Commissioner in obtaining compliance (and an extension in […]
Statistics Canada on the Canadian Movie Business
This morning Statistics Canada released interesting data on the Canadian movie distribution business. The data confirms what is likely obvious to most people: the industry has never done better despite the fact that movie attendance is experiencing a sharp decline. The reason of course is the emergence of the DVD […]
Canada Post Commits to Continue Library Program
Last week I blogged about a dispute over whether Canada Post would continue a 66-year old program that offer libraries greatly reduced pricing for inter-library loans. I wondered aloud why the government does not recognize the opportunity for the Internet to facilitate similar low cost distribution. The real space issue […]