The Canadian Association of Internet Providers has filed an application with the CRTC that calls on the Commission to rescind its November 2008 Bell throttling decision. The application alleges multiple errors of fact and law in the decision and points specifically to the CRTC's lack of a full understanding of the issues raised in the proceeding. CAIP argues that the CRTC specifically launched the larger net neutrality proceeding this summer in order to gain that fuller understanding, but argues that:
A broader proceeding in order to understand the complex issues raised in the CAIP application is a perfectly acceptable and responsible means of developing a thoughtful policy approach and decision on network management. What is entirely unfair and unacceptable, however, is the fact that the Commission rendered Decision 2008-108 without the benefit of a comprehensive understanding of the factual, legal and policy issues at play. In particular, if the Commission did not believe that it had an adequate evidentiary record or did not have a full understanding of the factual and legal issues raised by Bell's throttling of wholesale GAS services to be able to determine in an unqualified and final manner the issues raised in the CAIP proceeding, then it was procedurally unfair for the Commission to have rendered a decision on CAIP's application.
Moreover, CAIP highlights a concern raised by many in the net neutrality world – that the CRTC has already decided many of the bigger issues even before the July hearings begin. CAIP notes that:
in effect, the Commission has pre-judged certain factual and legal issues raised in the PN 2008-19 proceeding, thereby narrowing the scope of the Commission's decision in the PN 2008-19 proceeding even before it is made. As long as Decision 2008-108 stands, the perception that the Commission has pre-judged the outcome of PN 2008-19 on the key issue of the legality of CAP-based throttling pursuant to subsection 27(2) and section 36 of the Act will persist.
The application continues with specific examples of error in fact and law. These include errors in fact on P2P activities and the use of deep packet inspection as well as numerous errors in law, particularly in the way the CRTC interpreted sections 27(2) and 36 of the Telecommunications Act. The CAIP application comes as a surprise given that most of the attention had moved to this summer's net neutrality hearings and places the CRTC on the defensive just weeks before those hearings are scheduled to take place.
Also sent to the CRTC on the same matter
FYI – the following is a complementary submission to vary CRTC 2008-108
Cover letter & analysis
Both documents should appear on the CRTC web site in a couple of days.
Wow – someone did their homework!
The document is a thick and chewy read – but eye-opening! Kudos to the team that put it together; they had to do a lot of research and be very careful with their statements, and they did a great job!
I don’t understand how Rogers stays out of the spotlight..
Interesting and important substance, but very curious and questionable procedure and timing, to put it mildly.
Very nicely done and lots of homework went into it.
Sadly though its a complete and totally waste of time.
The crtc was going to side with bell from the start and the whole mess was merely just to make it look like they were doing their job .
We are talking a organization that’s seriously corrupt with most of the people having ties to both of the main providers.
There more back room dealing and perk giving going on then a bloody election.
Going to the governments also basically useless since both providers lobby the hell out of them and provide big time monetary incentives.
The only reason the new copyrights bill didn’t make it through last year is infighting and the nice little fact they can’t get anything done fast.
The latest smoke screen to look like they are actually doing their job is asking the public does competition foster innovation.
We are talking people who have worked in big business for years the already know it does but need to look like they actually care what we think.
The truth of the matter is throttling here to stay and going to get worse.
Add this to higher prices and usage billing.
Where is the media????
Very nice… however…. where is the media??? Why is no spotlight on this???
Since you asked….
Someguy said:
“Where is the media????
Very nice… however…. where is the media??? Why is no spotlight on this??? ”
CAIP et. al. don’t buy full page ads in the newspapers, or 30 second spots on TV or radio. That’s where the media (owned mostly by the telcos & cablecos) are.