CNET reports that i4i, a Toronto-based firm, has been awarded US$200 million in damages from Microsoft in a patent infringement case. A Texas jury ruled that the custom XML tagging features of Word 2003 and Word 2007 infringed on an i4i patent.
Archive for May 20th, 2009
U.S. Congressional Caucus Places Canada On Another Watch List
Because one unfounded and unsupportable designation as a pirate nation is never enough, the U.S. Congressional International Anti-Piracy Caucus has placed Canada on a watch list alongside China, Mexico, Russia and Spain. This is a separate list from the USTR Special 301 list.
CAIRS.Info: The Launch of a New Access-To-Information Site
Last year, the Government discontinued the operation of the CAIRS database, which was the leading source of information on access to information requests across all federal government departments. By searching CAIRS, Canadians could easily identify prior requests, thereby reducing taxpayer costs by reducing duplicative requests. For many years, Online Democracy […]
You Can’t Handle The Truth
Jim Henshaw has a great post on the CRTC licence renewal hearings, the use of in camera hearings to keep much of the discussion out of the public domain, and the questionable claims about local broadcast viability with a new fee-for-carriage plan [hat tip: Writers Guild of Canada] .
BSA’s Sweden Piracy Stats Entirely Estimated
Computer Sweden reports that the BSA's recent data on piracy in Sweden was entirely estimated. No Swedish companies, vendors, or computer users were apparently contacted as part of the study.