The Canadian Association of University Teachers and the Canadian Federation of Students have posted their joint objection to the proposed Access Copyright tariff. CIPPIC is representing the CAUT and CFS in this case. Sam Trosow provides a summary of their key points here.
Archive for August 13th, 2010
NDP Criticizes Google – Verizon Net Neutrality Deal
The NDP has published a release criticizing the Google – Verizon net neutrality deal, expressing concern about the side deal. The deal treats wired and wireless services in a different manner, something the CRTC has rejected as part of its traffic management guidelines.
Telecom Complaints Commissioner Remains a Relative Unknown
Notwithstanding the public interest, the Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services toils in relative anonymity. Established in 2007, the CCTS came as part of a deregulation bargain initiated by then-Industry Minister Maxime Bernier, who deregulated many local telephone markets and established an industry-funded telecom complaints commissioner.
ACTA Agenda for Round 10 of Negotiations
The ACTA participating governments have posted the agenda for next week’s meeting in Washington, which is now being treated as Round 10 of the talks.