Professor Geist is quoted in a Lawyers Weekly article focusing on a recent Lexis-Nexis/IBA survey on the impact of the Internet on business operations. Professor Geist notes the uncertainty surrounding cross-border privacy issues. see: Press release also see: Canadian Privacy Law Review Information
Professor Geist Recognized for Media Work
Professor Geist has received the first annual University of Ottawa’s Rector’s Award for service to the University through media and community relations. The award recognizes service to the community by sharing expertise through the media. see: Press release also see: Canadian Privacy Law Review Information
Privacy and Expectations
Professor Geist’s regular Toronto Star Lawbytes column (Toronto Star version, HTML backup article, homepage version) contrasts privacy compliance in Canada and the U.S. It argues that while Canada may have enacted comprehensive privacy legislation, there are minimal expectations that the law will be enforced aggressively. It concludes that organizations with […]
Canada’s Last Mover Advantage
Professor Geist's regular Toronto Star Law Bytes column (Toronto Star version, HTML backup article, homepage version) examines the issue of Canadian ratification of the WIPO Internet treaties in light of a recent parliamentary committee's demand for ratification within months. The column argues that Canada enjoys a last mover advantage by […]