The Working Group of Internet Governance has released its final report. As I wrote this week in my Law Bytes column, the report comes on the heels of the U.S. statement that it has no intention of surrendering control of root zone file. The WGIG report developed a working […]
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CIRA Launches Governance Public Consultation
The Canadian Internet Registration Authority, which manages to the dot-ca domain, today launched a critically important public consultation which raises the prospect of a dramatic change to the CIRA board, public elections, and other accountability issues. I have served for the past four years on the CIRA board and I’m […]
The Potter Injunction – It Could Have Been Worse
While I thought I was done with the Harry Potter story, this afternoon a blog reader forwarded a copy of the actual Potter Order. The terms are the same as those posted on the Internet by Raincoast Books. However, the original is quite revealing since it also includes several provisions […]
The Harry Potter Injunction
Having spent much of the day discussing the Harry Potter case, I find myself becoming increasingly troubled by the scope of the injunction issued by the B.C. Supreme Court. The injunction represents more than just a remarkable misuse of copyright law. Quite simply, it is an attack on freedom. The […]
Alta. Privacy Commish Rules Canadian Law Firms Infringed Privacy Law
Alberta Privacy Commissioner has just released a noteworthy decision on the application of private sector privacy laws to mergers and acquisitions transactions. The case involved the acquisition of an Alberta company. As part of the deal, employee information, including home addresses and Social Insurance Numbers, were disclosed. Moreover, since the […]