Post Tagged with: "antisemitism"

IMG_7927 by Steve Eason CC BY-NC 2.0

Why the Conspiratorial Responses to Canada’s Antisemitism Guide Demonstrate Its Necessity

Delegates from dozens of countries gathered nearly 25 year ago in Stockholm, Sweden for the Stockholm International Forum, where they affirmed a global commitment to combatting racism, antisemitism, ethnic hatred, and ignorance of history. That meeting sparked what became a 16-year open process to develop much-needed anti-racism tools, including the creation of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism.

Antisemitism is generally understood as a certain perception of Jews that veers into hatred, but specific examples can be helpful for those seeking to apply policies in the workplace, codes in educational environments, or standards for government funding programs. The IHRA definition, which is non-legally binding, seeks to fill the void by including both general principles and specific examples. It has struck a chord with endorsements from 45 countries and hundreds of provincial and local governments. And Canada has been a leader in this regard: the federal government adopted it in 2019 as part of its anti-racism strategy and the majority of provinces have followed suit with their own support measures.

Combatting antisemitism should not be controversial, yet a new Canadian effort to provide governments, businesses, and schools with greater clarity on implementing the IHRA definition has sparked opposition from the NDP and even outrage in some quarters.

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November 5, 2024 11 comments News
Demonstration gegen rechten Terror und Antisemitismus by Rasande Tyskar CC BY-NC 2.0

When Antisemitism No Longer Shocks

Last week, Green College, an interdisciplinary graduate college on the campus of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, hosted a medieval workshop titled The Writing of Ancient Christianity in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. As the title would suggest, the workshop was highly specialized and of limited interest to anyone outside of the scholarly field. Yet, as my Hub opinion piece notes, the presence of a professor of Jewish Law and Ethics alongside academics from the University of Haifa and Hebrew University in Jerusalem placed a target on the workshop that sparked online harassment of participants as well as vandalism and graffiti that called for the removal of Zionists on the walls of the college.

Few Canadians heard about the incident at UBC. They similarly were likely unaware that last week the University of Windsor’s Board of Governors refused to consider a motion to examine a controversial agreement arising from last summer’s encampment protests on the spurious grounds that the deal falls outside of its purview.

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October 25, 2024 21 comments Columns
Red alert -[ HMM ]- by Carbon Arc CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Reflecting on October 7th: The Antisemitism Red Alert Warning Won’t Stop Buzzing

Late on Friday, October 6, 2023, I was dozing after a family Sabbath dinner meal when I was suddenly awoken by the continuous buzzing of the Tzofar red alert app on my phone and watch. I had installed the app, which is widely used in Israel to warn of imminent rocket fire, months earlier while visiting on a teaching assignment and had forgotten it was still on my phone. At first I thought the app was malfunctioning since the buzzing would not stop and it implausibly appeared that hundreds of communities were under attack. Hours later I of course learned there was nothing wrong the app and that I had digitally witnessed the start of the October 7th massacre in real time.

I have since deleted the app, but a year later it feels as if the Canadian Jewish community needs something similar to warn of antisemitic outbreaks. Such an app would buzz nearly daily given the rise of antisemitism which emanates with astonishing frequency from both the extreme right and left. Indeed, what would have once sparked immediate condemnation now occurs with little commentary or surprise: synagogue vandalism incidents too numerous to mention, Jewish schools and community centres hit with gunfire or makeshift bombs, Jewish senior homes and hospitals facing hostile protests, and university campuses home to what multiple presidents admit is significant antisemitism problem.

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October 7, 2024 6 comments News
Wikipedia Has A Problem by Kevin Wong CC BY 2.0

The Law Bytes Podcast, Episode 215: Jan Grabowski on Wikipedia’s Antisemitism Problem

This podcast drops on Monday, October 7th, the one-year anniversary of the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. I’ve largely kept the issue the rising tide of antisemitism since the Hamas terrorist attacks off the Law Bytes podcast, but those that follow my work will know that I have been vocal on social media and the mainstream media expressing my shock and concern. This episode blends my professional focus on digital policy with my personal concerns regarding antisemitism.

The alarming rise of antisemitism over the past year has left many – myself included – in shock. I see it in my social media mentions and on popular sites such as Wikipedia, where it has cropped up on entries involving issues like Zionism and even in the targeting of groups like the Anti-Defamation League. Wikipedia’s antisemitism problem may not have come as a surprise to Professor Jan Grabowski, a professor of Holocaust studies at the University of Ottawa.  He conducted a detailed study on the issue in 2023 which focused on the Holocaust page involving Poland, his area of expertise. Professor Grabowski joins the Law Bytes podcast to talk about his work, his Wikipedia study, and the threat of disinformation on the site.

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October 7, 2024 7 comments Podcasts
2024.05.02 Pro-Jewish at GWU, Washington, DC USA 123 119204 by Ted Eytan CC BY-SA 2.0

New Academic Year Requires New Approach to Combat Campus Antisemitism

The days leading up to a new academic year at a university are typically filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation for both faculty and students alike. My Globe and Mail op-ed notes that this year, it brought trepidation and even fear for many in the Jewish community. At my own university, faculty attended training sessions on coping with potential classroom intruders, including tips for de-escalation strategies and detailed security procedures. Students normally thinking about orientation programming were instead forced to ask themselves difficult questions about whether to conceal their religious or political beliefs, for fear of risking backlash or ostracization from fellow students and even faculty.

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September 7, 2024 32 comments Columns