Earlier this year, the Ontario government made a big commitment to open textbooks, investing millions of dollars to create new open texts in fields such as history, finance, politics, the environment, engineering, and the sciences. The resulting open textbook library at ECampusOntario now features hundreds of texts that are free to use for everyone. The Ontario initiative follows leadership in the OER field from BC Campus and its open textbook project. The BC effort has saved students millions of dollars with adoptions by dozens of institutions putting them into use in hundreds of faculties for over 1600 courses.
Post Tagged with: "casa"
The Daily Digital Lock Dissenter, Day 30: Canadian Alliance of Student Associations
The Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA) is an alliance of 26 student associations and student unions from across Canada. Through this network of college, technical institute and university student governments, CASA represents and defends the interests of approximately 320,000 post-secondary students to the federal government. CASA members are on […]
Students Call on Government To Drop Book Import Controls
Campus Stores Canada (CSC) and the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA) have called on the government to remove aspects of the Copyright Act that increase prices of textbooks, arguing amendments would reduce costs for students.
CASA Posts Objection to Access Copyright Tariff Proposal
The Canadian Alliance of Student Associations has posted its objection to the Access Copyright tariff proposal with comments on its impact on fair dealing, TPMs, and the reporting requirements.
Canadian Student Groups Speak Out on Copyright
Canada's two major post-secondary student groups have both filed their comments on the copyright consultation. Both focus on many of the same issues. The Canadian Federation of Students' submission is now posted on the consultation website and it calls for: expanded fair dealing rejection of the Internet exception for education […]