The CRTC’s Bill C-11 consultations are off to a rocky start with mounting concern over short deadlines that may limit public participation and reduce the quality of the submissions. A dozen groups have asked the Commission to extend the deadlines with more groups joining in the call. The deadline for comment on the extension ended yesterday and I navigated an exceptionally difficult consultation process (more on that shortly) to submit the comments posted below. I support the extension but argue that a better approach would be to wait until the government’s policy direction process is final and there is certainty on support for public interest group participation.
Post Tagged with: "consultations"
Clement’s Office Says Copyright Consultations Coming This Summer
Among the myriad of reports on the USTR's legally dubious decision to place Canada on the Priority Watch List, one from Reuters is particularly noteworthy as it includes a reaction from Industry Minister Tony Clement's spokesperson. Darren Cunningham is quoted as saying "we are looking forward to doing consultations on […]
Public Policy Consultations No Field of Dreams
Appeared in the Toronto Star on September 15, 2008 as Public Policy Consultations No Field of Dreams Last week, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission released the results of a public online consultation on new media that will feed into hearings on the issue early next year. Given that it […]