Post Tagged with: "crtc"

CRTC Outlines Plans for Do-Not-Call List Policy Process

The CRTC today unveiled a series of developments on the creation of a do-not-call list.  The Commission will hold a four-day public hearing on the issue from May 2 to 5, 2006.  Those interested in participating must register by March 6, 2006 (those interested in submitting comments without participating can […]

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February 20, 2006 5 comments News

Coming Soon: The Two-Tiered Internet in Canada

Several Canwest papers run a story this morning (Montreal Gazette, Edmonton Journal) on the move toward a two-tiered Internet in Canada.  I’m quoted expressing concern, but the most important part of the story comes from Telus, which not only confirms the move toward tieried pricing ("The industry has to move […]

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January 30, 2006 12 comments News

CRTC Launches Commercial Radio Review

The CRTC quietly launched its commercial radio review on Friday (the Canadian Association of Broadcasters sought a delay that was rejected).  The review promises to attract considerable interest as the Commission has signaled its intention to consider the impact of the Internet and new technologies on the music industry.  In […]

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January 14, 2006 5 comments News

Crystal Ball Gazing At The Coming Year in Tech Law

Predicting the future of Canadian technology law is challenging at the best of times, but during an election campaign prognostications are admittedly likely to be about as accurate as a coin flip. With that caveat in mind, my weekly Law Bytes column (Toronto Star version, freely available version) offers up […]

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January 9, 2006 1 comment Columns

CRTC Shortens Wait Time for Number Portability

The CRTC yesterday issued its much-anticipated decision involving the implementation of wireless number portability.  The Commission mandated number portability by March 14, 2007, about six months faster than the industry proposed, though not exactly the "expeditious" implementation that the government called for last February. I entered the fray last fall, […]

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December 21, 2005 2 comments News