Post Tagged with: "crtc"

Internet Connectivity in Canada

The CRTC today released a report on the state of competition in the Canadian telecommunications market. The report contains some terrific data on the wireline, wireless, and Internet markets.  Some of the report confirms the obvious –  revenues from the Internet continue to grow at an impressive rate, while long […]

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October 31, 2005 1 comment News

Gov’t Caves To Lobbyists on Do-Not-Call Legislation

My weekly Law Bytes column (Toronto Star version, freely available version) focuses on the latest developments on Canada’s proposed do-not-call list.  Last week, committee members engaged in a sad display of self-congratulation as a two-hour House of Commons debate on the bill became an opportunity for several Members of Parliament […]

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October 24, 2005 5 comments Columns

Canada’s Do-Not-Hesitate-To-Call List Goes From Bad to Worse

Members of Parliament spent more than two hours on Wednesday debating Bill C-37, Canada' s proposed do-not-hesitate-to-call list.  The debate makes for a depressing read – Canada' s elected officials each trip over themselves in self-congratulation as they render the list ever more useless. For those new to the issue, […]

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October 20, 2005 8 comments News

No Excuse to Delay Number Portability

My weekly Law Bytes column (Toronto Star version, freely available version) focuses on the CRTC’s wireless number portability consultation.  I argue that while the industry regularly touts the Canadian wireless environment as a highly competitive, world-class market, the truth is that Canada trails badly on the number portability issue.  The […]

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October 9, 2005 5 comments Columns

CRTC Invites Comments on Number Portability

Earlier this week I commented on the CWTA’s disappointing plan for cell phone number portability which envisions a full rollout in 2007, despite calls from the federal government to move expeditiously.  This afternoon the CRTC jumped into the fray, inviting comments on the issue including the CWTA’s proposed timeframe.  If […]

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September 16, 2005 3 comments News