Post Tagged with: "edps"

EU-Canada signing ceremony by European Union

Canada – European Union Data Sharing Agreement Sent to EU Court of Justice for Review

Earlier this year, Canada and the European Union announced that they had reached agreement on sharing airline passenger name record data. The data shared includes names, addresses, and credit card numbers of airline passengers. The agreement was signed in June (video of the signing here), but approval from the European Parliament was required. In light of growing privacy concerns, that approval has proven more difficult to obtain than previously anticipated.

Rather than simply grant approval, the European Parliament has narrowly voted to send the agreement to the European Court of Justice for review to ensure that it is compliant with European law including EU treaties and the European Charter of Rights and Freedoms (the final vote was 383 to 271 with 47 abstentions). The resolution notes that the European Data Protection Supervisor (effectively the Privacy Commissioner for the EU) issued an opinion in September 2013 that questioned the necessity and proportionality of agreements to transfer passenger information between jurisdictions. The EDPS opinion features an extensive review of the agreement and raises pointed questions about specific provisions along with numerous recommendations for reform.

The decision means that the Canada – EU data sharing agreement will be delayed by at least one to three years while the court conducts its review. The review will raise several important privacy issues including the effectiveness of exchanging passenger information in combating terrorism and the state of Canadian privacy law. The European Court of Justice has already struck down the European Data Retention Directive, suggesting that this agreement could also face tough scrutiny.

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December 3, 2014 Comments are Disabled News

European Data Protection Supervisor Slams ACTA on Privacy Grounds

The European Data Protection Supervisor has issued a new opinion on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, expressing serious concerns about the impact of the agreement on privacy and data protection (a prior opinion was released in 2010). The EDPS states:

Many of the measures that could be implemented in the context of Articles 27(3) and 27(4) of ACTA would involve a form of monitoring of individuals’ use of the Internet, whether by detecting actual IP rights infringements or by trying to prevent any future infringements. In many cases, the monitoring would be carried out by right holders or right holders’ associations and third parties acting on their behalf, although they often seek to delegate such task to ISPs.

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April 25, 2012 1 comment News

EU Data Protection Supervisor Warns Against ACTA, Calls 3 Strikes Disproportionate

Peter Hustinx, the European Data Protection Supervisor, has issued a 20-page opinion expressing concern about ACTA.  The opinion is a must-read and points to the prospect of other privacy commissioners speaking out.  Moreover, with the French HADOPI three strikes law currently held up by its data protection commissioner, it raises questions about whether that law will pass muster under French privacy rules.

Given the secrecy associated with the process, the opinion addresses possible outcomes based on the information currently available.  The opinion focuses on three key issues: three strikes legislation, cross-border data sharing as part of enforcement initiatives, and transparency.

Three Strikes

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February 22, 2010 11 comments News