The Globe and Mail's Ivor Tossell provides the answer.
Post Tagged with: "Globe and Mail"
How Did Copyright Become Cool?
The Globe and Mail's Ivor Tossell provides the answer.
Globe Then Says Fear the Pirates
This morning the Globe and Mail has published a story on its front page on the first arrest under the new anti-camcording provision. The same arrest (arrest, not conviction) that was reported and blogged about two weeks ago. Update: Appropriation Art files a complaint over similar coverage at CTV, while […]
Globe Says “Don’t Fear the Pirates”
The Globe and Mail on why the music industry may "claim that downloads are destroying the business, every indication is that they're wrong."
The Globe on Camcording
Others have noted the Globe and Mail's one-sided coverage of the camcording story, however, there is one paragraph in today's story that requires an additional comment. In its front page story, the Globe reports: Canada – particularly Montreal – is known as one of the world's worst offenders for piracy, […]