Lawyers for Richard Warman, Canada's leading online hate fighter, have filed an application with the CRTC requesting that it issue an order enabling carrier ISPs to block two foreign hate sites that have issued death threats against Mr. Warman. One of the sites – a blog hosted on blogspot – […]
Post Tagged with: "internet hate"
Net Hate Purveyor Nets Nine Months in Jail
Justice Konrad Von Finkenstein (yes the same judge from the CRIA file sharing litigation) has sentenced a London, Ontario man to nine months in jail arising from a case involving Internet-based hate speech.
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal Issues Internet Hate Decision
The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal has issued a noteworthy Internet hate decision that focuses on the applicability of the Human Rights Act to Internet hate materials (Globe coverage here). The Tribunal ordered fines against several individuals for their role in maintaining several hate websites and newsletters. The lengthy decision is […]
Federal Court Issues Reasons for Anti-Net Hate Injunction
The Federal Court has issued its reasons for issuing an injunction against a series of Internet hate postings. In Canadian Human Rights Commission v. Winnicki, the presiding judge had seemingly little difficulty in finding that: 1. The speech at issue constituted hate speech and thus was unlawful.2. The Supreme Court […]
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal Rules Against Net Hate on Google Newsgroup
The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal has issued a ruling against a Canadian man for posting anti-semitic content on a Google newsgroup in violation of the Canadian Human Rights Act. The Canadian Human Rights Commission, which enforces Tribunal rulings, wrote to Google to advise the company of the decision. The Commission […]