The Globe and Mail's Download Decade continues with a look at the ethics of piracy, including a short documentary that asks Canadians to compare copyright infringement with jaywalking and stealing a chocolate bar. The series also reprints the infamous 2007 Pirates of the Canadians article, which played a crucial role […]
Post Tagged with: "movie piracy"
BBC Film Critic on Movie Piracy
Techdirt points to a recent video from a BBC film critic who argues that movie piracy is an industry problem (screener leaks) rather than a consumer issue.
U.S. Congressional Hearing Blames Canada, Again
Howard Berman, the U.S. Congressman who is sometimes called the "representative from Hollywood", was at it again today, leading hearings at the Foreign Affairs Committee on Global IP Theft that quickly became yet another case of "Blame Canada." As implausible at seems, there is a regular sport in the U.S. of claiming that Canada is the source of evil when it comes to IP laws.
At today's hearing, Berman demanded that Canada implement the WIPO Internet treaties, the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees inaccurately claimed that " Canadian movie theaters account for nearly 50 percent of all camcorded sources worldwide" and urged Canada to pass legislation similar to the DMCA (Disney Chair Richard Cook noted that the anti-camcording law has reduced Canadian camcording), and Universal Music Group President Zach Horowitz claimed that Canada has the highest level of online piracy in the world, that we are a haven for unauthorized music sites, and that "there is no recourse against online theft." After this misleading and inaccurate testimony, Horowitz then urged the Congessional panel to ask Canadian officials "to explain their reputation as a nation unfriendly to the policies at the heart of copyright and the realities of the borderless digital marketplace."
Wolverine Leaked By Inside Job
The NY Times reports on the leak of an unfinished copy of X-Mens Origins: Wolverine, a much-anticipated film set for theatrical release on May 1st. As was the case with virtually every Oscar-nominated film, it is not unauthorized camcording that is responsible, but rather an insider leak.
People Flocking to the Movies
TechDirt notes a NY Times article on record ticket sales at the movie theatres this year, reminding yet again on the overstated claims of movie piracy.