Several people have written in response to the release of Putting Canadian "Piracy" in Perspective to ask for the data to support the claims made in the short film. I admittedly should have provided that from the start, but, better late than never, here are links to the various source documents:
The film opens by referring to movie piracy legislation and two government committee reports (INDU and SECU). It then follows with quotes from Graham Henderson of CRIA, U.S. Ambassador to Canada David Wilkins, and the U.S. Trade Representative. The film lists a series of copyright reform demands, drawn from the CACN and other copyright groups calling for copyright reform.
The response begins by noting that Canada currently meets its international copyright obligations. The lengthy list of other countries facing U.S. criticism on intellectual property is taken from the 2007 USTR Special 301 Report, while the claim on compliance with WIPO ratification, term extension, and anti-camcording law was based on research published this spring.