Open Media has launched a new campaign against copyright reforms that threaten digital rights including the prospect of website blocking, Internet termination, and digital locks.
Post Tagged with: "open media"
OpenMedia Launches Lawful Access Spots
As both the NDP and Green Party speak out against the government’s lawful access plans, Open Media has launched three terrific public service announcement-style videos to raise awareness of the issue. The videos can all be accessed here.
Usage Based Billing Panelists Turn To Op-Ed Pages
Two panelists at the CRTC’s usage based billing hearing have published op-eds on the regulatory issues. Steve Anderson of Open Media writes Canadians have spoken against a metered Internet in the Ottawa Citizen, while TekSavvy CEO Marc Gaudrault is the author of The telecom-policy quadruple play in the Financial Post.
Open Media’s Steve Anderson on Stopping the Meter
Open Media’s Steve Anderson scores with this op-ed on usage based billing that weaves together hockey and Internet access.