EyeWeekly reviews last week's odd series of events involving CRIA's release and retraction about AudioMaxxx.
Post Tagged with: "rcmp"
RCMP Targets Counterfeit DVD Distribution Network
The RCMP has raided a counterfeiting DVD distribution network in Montreal with Criminal Code and Copyright Act charges to follow. These actions are to be applauded and provide more evidence that the current law is not the chief barrier to anti-counterfeiting enforcement.
RCMP Demonstrates That Movie Piracy Law Unnecessary
Throughout the debate over Bill C-59, Canada's fast-tracked anti-camcording law, I consistently argued that there was no need for additional legislation since the Copyright Act was already well-equipped to deal with problem (documents obtained under the Access to Information Act reveal that that was the view of Department of Justice […]
RCMP Says Ebay Not Cooperating With Investigation
An RCMP officer says that eBay is trying to hide a "hijacking" problem that has victimized about one thousand Canadians since 2000. Update: eBay has responded, arguing it is an "Internet" problem, not an eBay problem.
Ontario Chamber of Commerce Floats Counterfeit Numbers
The Ontario Chamber of Commerce is out today with a new report on intellectual property which recycles many of the demands of the copyright lobby – WIPO ratification, tougher penalties, and a handful of task forces. What makes the report unique, however, is its claims about the size and scope of the counterfeiting issue in Canada. The report includes the RCMP's discredited $30 billion claim and even though the RCMP has backed away from it, the report states that it is a "widely accepted" estimate.
The Chamber's press release trumpets $22.5 billion in counterfeiting losses for Canada of which it says $9 billion comes from Ontario. How did it arrive at this figure?