CBC reports this evening that the RCMP is seeking backdoor wiretap access to Blackberry devices. The law enforcement agency is concerned that email messaging with the Blackberry is secure and encrypted which raises fears that it is widely used by criminal elements. Liberal MP Marlene Jennings touts her lawful access […]
Post Tagged with: "rcmp"
Winnipeg Man Faces 52 Copyright Charges
A Winnipeg man behind Audiomaxxx.com faces 52 charges under the Copyright Act after the RCMP seized more than 200,000 CDs and DVDs.
RCMP Arrests Three For Pirated DVD Sales
The RMCP in Hamilton have arrested four men for violating the Copyright Act by selling pirated DVDs.
RCMP Criticizes Canadian Copyright Law
Just as reports surface that five Canadian companies have paid over $175,000 in damages arising from copyright infringing software usage [additional coverage here and here], an RCMP corporal has reportedly told a U.S. legal audience that Canadian copyright law is weak, that the way the courts interpret the law is […]
RCMP and Canadian Border Officials Seize Millions in Luxury Goods
The CBC reports that the RCMP and Canadian border officials have seized millions in luxury counterfeit goods, demonstrating yet again that Canadian law is not as powerless as critics suggest when it comes to dealing counterfeit issues.