On a day when Sony settled yet another legal proceeding against it over the rootkit fiasco, the Canadian Music Creators Coalition are making news. The organization unveiled a new website and called attention to Canada's record setting year in digital sales last year, picking up on the fact that Canadian […]
Post Tagged with: "sony rootkit"
Sony Settles with State A.G.s
The EFF has the details on Sony's rootkit settlement with state A.G.'s that has led to the company paying more money and facing more restrictions for its use of DRM.
Privacy Commissioner of Canada on TPMs
The Privacy Commissioner of Canada has released a new fact sheet on TPMs. While explicitly not taking a position on TPMs, DRM or fair use, the Commissioner does identify some concerns with the privacy impact of the technology. In fact, the Commissioner opens the discussion by noting that: The use […]
Quebec Court Approves Sony Rootkit Settlement
Another Canadian court has approved the Sony rootkit class action settlement. The Quebec Superior Court granted its approval earlier this week.
Sony Hit With Privacy and Consumer Protection Complaints
As Sony seeks court approval of its class action settlement today (word is that the judge took note of the objections to the settlement and asked the parties to go back and try to address the concerns, likely leading to some modest amendments), CIPPIC has filed an avalanche of complaints […]