Post Tagged with: "stockwell day"

Vic Toews by Mostly Conservative (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

From Toews to Todd: The Unravelling of the Government’s Lawful Access Sales Strategy

As criticism of Bill C-13 mounts, the government’s sales strategy for its latest lawful access bill is starting to unravel. Many will recall the immediate, visceral opposition to Bill C-30, the last lawful access bill that started with then-Public Safety Minister Vic Toews declaring the day before introduction that Canadians could either stand with the government or with the child pornographers. The bill never recovered as Toews’ divisive remarks placed the spotlight on the warrantless disclosure provisions and the lack of privacy balance. Within ten days it was on placed on hiatus and formally killed a year later.

While the government has removed some of the most contentious elements from Bill C-30, many privacy concerns remain (immunity for voluntary disclosure, metadata). Indeed, it appears that its primary takeaway from the last legislative failure – an incredibly rare moment in the life of a majority government – was that it was a botched sales job. So despite a promise not to bring back lawful access legislation, it did so months later, this time armed with a new marketing strategy. Bill C-13 was framed as a cyber-bullying bill and its primary sales people were presumably supposed to be the victims of cyber-bullying and their parents.

The turning point on Bill C-13 came ten days ago when they appeared before the Justice Committee studying the bill. Carol Todd, the mother of Amanda, led off and courageously insisted that the government stop using her child’s name to undermine privacy:

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May 23, 2014 14 comments News

Stockwell Day Hears About IP in U.S. Visit

Days ahead of the release of the USTR Special 301 report that will undoubtedly criticize Canada over its intellectual property laws, Trade Minister Stockwell Day met in Washington with the head of the USTR, Ron Kirk.  A USTR release on the meeting confirms that IP issues was one of the […]

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April 29, 2009 1 comment News

The Lawful Access Workaround

With Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day now on record stating that the Conservatives will not introduce lawful access legislation that includes mandatory disclosure of customer name and address information without court oversight, we are likely to see law enforcement respond in two ways. One possibility is to promote the creation […]

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October 25, 2007 2 comments News

Stockwell Speaks

Search Engine, CBC’s excellent new show on the Internet and technology, focused this week [MP3 podcast] on recent lawful access controversy.  I appear in the first part of the show, but more important is the response from Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day.  Leaving aside the Minister’s inaccurate claims that the […]

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September 20, 2007 1 comment News

Edmonton Journal on a Better Day

The Edmonton Journal ran a masthead editorial on the weekend supporting Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day's about-face on lawful access

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September 17, 2007 Comments are Disabled News